Friday, March 27, 2009

Who did you vote for?

So, who did you vote for?

If you are not a native born Israeli, or been living and dying in this country for a zillion years, and haven't been following closely the crazy politics we have - you voted wrong.

You see, here things are different. For example: we start working on Sunday when the rest of the world sleeps and our last day working day is Thursday when for the rest of the world is the middle of the week.

So is everything else, including politics.

If you are left wing inclined and were one of the three Meretz voters, you committed a fatal mistake. You may have done worse and voted for Mr. Barak and the Avoda party.

If you are right wing oriented and voted Likud, boy are you in trouble!

You see, if you are right wing, you are supposed to want to keep the "territories" as you want to keep Tel Aviv. Well, in fact it was the Likud party headed by the late Mr. Begin who signed a peace agreement with Egypt. There went the Sinai, Yamit and Sharm-A-Sheikh!!

Tou want the "territories" to stay? Don't vote Likud or to the right of this party.

You voted left wing? Now look what you've done!! Mr. Barak is joining the coalition with no less and- no kidding - Mr. Avigdor Liberman.

As of today, we don't have a new government yet but let me assure you whatever comes out of the negotiations, you and I are not going to be happy.

Stay tuned, I will keep you posted.

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